i will share about "how to make choco-banana pancake"

Hello guys, in this moment I want to share how about to make choco-banana pancake. Yaa, I think you all know about pancake. Pancake is food of breakfast, this is makes you give energy before doing activities in the morning. For pancake, you can added toping on the top pancake, like as chocolate jam, strawberry jam, maple syrup and ice cream.
Ok, before we are cooking a pancake. We must knowing ingredients to batter this.

There are :
              1. 100 gr flours
              2. 1 half tea spoon of baking powder,
              3. 100 gr sugar
              4. 350 ml of fresh milk
              5. 2 eggs
              6. margarine to spread of fry pan
              7. 1 tablespoon of liquid margarine and
              8. 200 gr bananas.

For toping we need chocolate melted or chocolate jam.
Why we choice banana for mixed on this pancake? Because banana give us goodness of our body, banana give you energy, help to growing of bones, help to doing dietary. And you must know that, Chocolate makes you happy. So, if you felt a blue, you can eaten chocolate to calm.

So, let’s to cooking time. The first step, mushed banana till soft like porridge and then you can mixed dries ingredients like flours, oats, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Second step, mixed fresh milk, liquid margarine and eggs. Scramble till release, and then mixed with dries ingredients. Stir with slow by whisk till bake mixed all. Third step, warm up fry pan and spread with margarine. Pour of batter pancake on fry pan, till surface on batter has hole. And then include pieces cube of banana and cook till bake.
And then, time to plating. Bring pancake on the plate, and arrange like you want. After that, put on chocolate jam or chocolate melted in the top pancake, and garnish plating like you want. Olala this is it Choco-Banana pancake has been already.

for to looking a tutorial, you can click this

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